FCPA learning Pathway

Tone of Voice (CA004)

Think back to a time when someone shouted an instruction at you. Do you remember how it made you feel? If you were at a football field, maybe it was appropriate for them to shout at you, but what if they shouted at you in a quiet office?

Psychologists have found that the way we say things is very important. It’s even more impactful than the words we use. When we’re communicating our feelings, tone makes up a large part of face-to-face conversations. Over the phone, it’s the biggest influence by far. A negative tone can have a huge impact on your colleagues, even if you’re telling them great news. By controlling your tone, you can make sure your conversations have the desired effect. This course will show you how.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Recognize the importance of tone
• Recognize how your tone of voice affects others and reflect on ways to improve it
• Adopt ways of matching your tone to the situation

Why take this course?

From managers to job applicants, employees of all experience levels can benefit from correctly matching their tone to the situation. When you learn about the impacts different tones can have, you can use yours to navigate any situation easily and successfully.

10 mins | SCORM | Development Plan

  • Tone of Voice
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed